Membership Update
We are pleased to see that our membership numbers are equal to or ahead of last year at this time. PLEASE JOIN your neighbors and become a member of the Serpent Lake Association. We rely on the generosity of our property owners both monetarily and through volunteer opportunities to improve the quality of Serpent Lake. The work of the Serpent Lake Association has MADE A DIFFERENCE in the quality of YOUR lake.
We currently have 179 members of the SLA. There are 104 lakeshore owners who currently do not belong to the SLA for 2016-2017 . What better way to support and project our beautiful Serpent Lake than to spend $25 to join the association? PLEASE JOIN!!!!
If you noticed a red mark on your mailing label, your membership is not up to date. Please help the SLA continue to accomplish great things! Wouldn’t it be great if everyone who lived on the lake was a member? Invite your neighbors at the lake to join our association!
Don’t forget to make your TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation before December 31st. All contributions to the Preservation Fund or the BWSR Match Fund are tax deductible. Please consider donating to the Serpent Lake Association before the end of 2016.