Important Message for Serpent Lake Property Owners:
Today, Serpent Lake boats are being stuck on their lifts due a low lake water level. Lakeshore owners are hiring barges to “free” stuck boats. We need all our boat owners to be aware of this situations!
This July 4th weekend is not the time to find your boat stuck on its lift.If your boat is not stuck, yet, consider moving cantilever-type lifts to deeper water, soon! Some have used tow straps and boats with larger horse power to pull the lifts deeper themselves. The current lake level is at an all-time record low for June, even lower than in 2006. SLA increased the number of buoys to 27 in 2007 to help protect motorboat props.
This year, we have two major factors leading to boats stuck on lifts, even before July.
First, there has been only two inches of rain between May 1 and today (June 28). On 6/1/2021, the dam outlet height (stop log) was found to be 2 inches lower than the agreed to height. The lake has already dropped 8 inches and it is only June 28. Two inches of lake water is lost much quicker due to a high out-flow rate, than it is by evaporation. This 2” missing stop log issue will be addressed.
Finally, it is important to understand why the DNR wants the dam outlet height fixed. A fixed height means there will be less shoreline erosion. So, less phosphor inthe lake, a clearer lake and a lower population of current invasive species.