
Hello SLA Members,

We wanted to bring to your attention a few announcements!!

  1. The Serpent Lake Association will be hosting another social event. The event will take place on Saturday, October 9th, from 4:00-6:00pm at Ruttger’s White Oak Room. Please come and enjoy spending time with our neighbors on the lake.
  2. The September edition of the SLA Water Watch is out. Please check it out to get all the latest information about our lake. The PDF will be linked at the bottom of this page.
  3. We need our lake owners help! Soon the lifts and docks will be removed for winter. The Ontario CA lake data suggests that Secchi greater than 27 feet is a serious challenge for Zebra Mussel to reach adulthood (1/2” or greater).We do not know if that is a peak clarity of 27 feet or an average clarity or a minimum clarity. The data given is likely the average for June-Sept, but we do not know for sure. SOOO….We need help before we go getting our hopes up. Lake owners/members please observe your dock posts and boat lift frames for Zebra Mussels. We need data from all sides of the lake. We need to know the number of Zebra Mussels that are ½” or greater in length on the dock or lift sections that have been in the water 100% of the time since this year’s Walleye Opener in May. Look carefully at the underside of the structure. Snap a digital picture with a ruler as shown in picture below. Email [email protected] if you have pictures to send. If we get feedback from around the lake perimeter, that will help us understand the magnitude of any claims we might make about the entire lake. Just what we might see on one sampler by pump house point is hardly all-telling at this point in time. Please ask for comparison to other years (2018 to 2020). Reporting the number of ADULT ZEBRA MUSSELS PER LINEAR FOOT of framing, record names, in case, we need to call and get any clarification or visit them.This will be of great help to all around our lake!