Skovholt Family

Skovholt Family — Generations on Serpent Lake There are few families on Serpent Lake with as rich a generational history as the Skovholt Family.  In 1947, Frank and Olga Bowler built their seasonal cabin on the North shore of Serpent Lake.  At the time, supplies were hard to get since WW II had just ended.  They enjoyed over a decade of ownership before passing the home to their daughter Betty and her husband Frederick (Fritz) Morlock in 1959.  Olga continued to enjoy spending time at the property, living to 97 years of age. 

Betty and Fritz spent many summers at the cabin with their four children, including Anna and her three brothers. They had numerous cousins who lived in a farmhouse across the highway, so there was always plenty of family fun.  They remember taking a flatbottom rowboat through the reeds along the rocky shoreline, spending endless hours swimming, and playing tirelessly.  Anna recalls regularly hearing loud noon mine blasts.  The mines were blasted while the miners were having lunch.  She also recalls dust throughout the town from the mine blasts.  Betty and Fritz continued to enjoy spending time at the property, both living to one hundred years of age.

Lakeside activities and family gatherings continued, and eventually Anna and her husband Glen Skovholt purchased the home.  Another generation continued to enjoy the seasonal cabin.  The Skovholts have three children – Karla, Sara, and Jonathan. Many weekends aunts and uncles and cousins joined them, all crowded into the small 2-bedroom cabin.  The family recalls numerous summer days — from early morning to late evening — jumping off the dock, swimming and rafting in the water, having picnics by the lakeside, and waterskiing, tubing, and sailing.
Today, Anna and Glen continue to own the cabin, spending occasional weekends there.  The cabin still gets plenty of enjoyment with the next generation of the family.  Karla and her partner, as well as her sister Sara and her family, enjoy gatherings as often as possible in the summer. They always look forward to spending the 4th of July Holiday at the lake.  Her brother Jonathan lives in Washington DC and is not able to get there as frequently.  But nevertheless, this cabin continues to evoke happy family memories, as well as make new ones.