Minnesota Erosion Control Association (MECA)
Serpent Lake Association board members, Terry Tichenor and Kathy Robinson, attended the Minnesota Erosion Control Association annual on January 25th in St. Louis Park. Those attending heard Crow Wing Soil and Water Conservation District Manager Melissa Barrick’s progress report on the $1.5M Target Watershed Demonstration Program projects on Serpent Lake. A complete report on all Serpent Lake projects can be found at crowwingswcd.org. Also assisting in the presentation were Jay Michaels of E & O resources and Jeff Hrubes, Senior Project Manager of the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources.
A similar presentation was made before attendees of the 2018 State of Water Conference on April 13th at Breezy Point Resort. Our Serpent Lake Association was represented by Arlen Bowen.

Crow Wing Soil & Water District Mgr. Melissa Barrick

Arlen Bowen at State of Water Conference

Terry Tichenor and Kathy Robinson at annual MECA Conference